Can you give us a push?

A call to action….. BATCOM is ready to grow!

The new community composting initiative in Brimscombe and Thrupp has enormous local support. BATCOM will be a facility where residents can drop off their garden green waste and pick up bags of quality peat-free compost made on site – offering a sustainable circlular alternative to burning, transiting or landfilling green waste and having to purchase bags of commercial compost. As a cooperative, our scheme will belong to the local community, with the potential to turn a derelict industrial site in Thrupp into a thriving green hub.

We want to start composting this year and the build needs to start ASAP – but our hopeful grant funding application fell through – they were oversubscribed.

We have been given a sound quote from a local builder for £12,000

We have already raised £4,000

We need to raise £8,000

We’ve got such a lot of support for the scheme, we think we can do this together. Here’s just a few ways you can help:

  1. Pledge to become a founder member of the new BATCOM cooperative and get involved from the ground up;
  2. Pay your composting subscription early (if you live in Brimscombe or Thrupp) and skip ahead of the waiting list;
  3. Donate! Whether large or small, any money you can donate to the BATCOM build will be gratefully received by this composting community;
  4. Inspire us! Can you suggest ideas and give us some of your time to help us raise our £8K target?

You can pledge your support by quickly filling in this online form. Watch our socials to see our funds grow and keep a look-out for some great fundraising events in the pipeline. Thank you so much for your support – we look forward to seeing you at Hope Mill soon!

Warm regards from the BATCOM Team